Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Any Ideas

So I am looking for some help. Any help will do. I am looking for sleep advice. Now I know the whole put them on a routine. but here's the thing she IS on a routine, and we are still struggling. She is waking up two or three times every night which is pretty normal you might be thinking. but the thing is, is that she does NOT nap during the day. So I can't get anything done during the day. I have her at work with me and it makes it really hard to get anything done. You would think that if she's not getting sleep during the day, that she would be so tired that she would sleep better at night. So if anyone has any old fasion remedies or any advise please feel free to share.


  1. I'm starting Baby Wise and I can already tell a difference. The boys do take naps but I would have to hold them the whole time. If I were to put them down they'd wake up. Also at night we'd have to put them next to us in bed (I know bad habit) for them to go back to sleep. Now I've started baby wise and they sleep in their nursery and have been going for 6 hours at night.

    I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. Like Tina told me, the worse that could happen is it doesn't work.

  2. I was going to suggest you go to Farley and Tina's blog and read her post she just did cause it talked about this very thing. Looks like Amanda beat me to it. I have zero experience in the area =). Good Luck though!

  3. Hey Bai,

    I think that I have already told you this and I don't know if it will help it's just what i've always done with Addi and she for the most part has been a very good sleeper. I keep her propped on a pillow every night and I run a fan (babies tend to sleep better when they aren't hot). Plus it's "white noise". I also make sure that she starts out bundled and has a full belly before bed. And when she was Kessia's age I never let her take a nap past 6:00. Now I don't like Addi to nap past 2:30 or 3:00. Anyways, I hope that you are able to find something that helps. Good Luck!!

  4. Hey Bailey,
    So you know I'm always good for parenting books. I have Baby Wise I & II if you'd like to borrow them. I also have "the no cry sleep solution" and a couple others. . .

  5. Hey Bailey! just browsin through blogs bein bored (typical saturday night for a mommy lol)

    I bought a book called "Healthy sleep habits happy child" ITS AMAZING!!! (I am not sure the aurthor I'll have to look)

    but it talks about putting your baby down within 1 to 2 hours of waking up so they arent over tired if they are over tired they wont sleep at all and just become more cranky! also I am not sure how old your baby is but if she is 3 months or older your fine to let her cry the book even says to let her cry for a FREAKIN HOUR before you go to her! (if it gets to that) I hesitated and procrastinated forever but I finally did it and it was the hardest day and a half lol but she got it and she can soothe her self to sleep now I just get her drowsy before I lay her down! our schedule goes a little like this.......

    Jadyn (my daughter) will wake up about 7:30 am I feed her play with her change her diaper and put her back down by 8:30 (she usually goes down for her 1st nap within an our of waking the 1st time) I swaddle her nice and tight rock her til she is drowsy and lay her down awake (at first she would fuss for 20-30 min but got less and less each time) now she will talk to herself for a few and fall right to sleep for and hour or an hour and a half then same thing over feed her burp her play with her changer her diaper and back to bed through out the day she will usaully stay up longer almost 2 hours between naps and also will nap sometime 3 hours later in the day! I dont let her sleep past 5pm sometimes she wont sleep after 3pm but I MAKE SURE I am 100% on her bedtime routine at 645-7 I give her a bath let her play for a while get her ready for bed feed her and put her down (if she falls asleep on the boob I just put her right to bed) or I rock her and set her down drowsy and she usually puts herself to sleep in like 5 min and sleeps through the night 7:30pm - 7:30am and has been since 2 months for some reason at 4 months she started waking up and I would go get her and feed her and but her down and it just kept gettin worse so I referenced back to the book and it said if your baby wakes before 2 hes not hungry so let him cry himself back to sleep if he wakes before 5 he is doing it out of habit or for comfort so never get him before 6am (again let them cry back to sleep) that took about 2 nights and she was back to normal! she probably cried for 30-45 min both nights before she fell to sleep so just try and ignore it (if you try this) as much as you can! okay now that I have pretty much writen my own novel lol! let me know if you have questions and hopefully this makes since I'm kinda outta it tonight!

    Good luck tell your fam I said hi!!

    Love ya,
