Monday, October 26, 2009

Crying it out part 2

Well after one whole week of letting Kessia cry it out. I think she is finally there. I don't want to jinx myself. but the last three nights she has slep from 8 or 9 p.m. to 6 am. Last night she was even feeling sick with a bad caugh and a runny nose. so I turnned on my monitor so I could hear her. I figure she might be up alot because she wasn't feeling well. But much to my suprise she slep through the night. I heard her fuse at about 3:00 am but I stayed in bed and it only took her a few seconds or maybe a min. or two and she put herself back to sleep. I'm sooooo happy. I find myself still waking up like clock work. but hopefully that will end once I'm use to sleep again. I'm sure I'll finally start to sleep again and then I'll be in my 3rd trimester and won't be able to sleep again.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Crying it out :(

Well this is how it's been going.

Night 1: Cried most of the night. I never heard her because I turned off my monitor and shut her door. but the next day all she wanted to do is sleep. So I imagine she didn't get much sleep that night.

Night 2: This time I turned off the monitor but I keep her door open so I could hear her. She woke up at about 1:00 am and I let her cry for one hour. but at that point I felt that if after one hour she wasn't going down, She probably wouldn't, so I went and rocked her. she did well the rest of the night. She might have woke up but she didn't cry hard enough for me to hear her. So she must have done good.

Night 3: Last night she didn't wake up until 5:30 am. Well she might have, but once again I didn't hear her so she must not have cried too hard. She seems to be getting better each night, and I am not feeling so quilty the better she's doing. Hopefully tonight goes even better.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A little about nothing

Well I havn't blogged in what seems like forever. but I havn't really had anything to blog about. Life is about the same. Kessia has been crawling for a few weeks, she is pulling her self up on to everything. My pregnancy is going good so far. Almost alittle to good. I havn't felt sick at all. just a little tired, but who wouldn't be when you're up all night with a baby. Speaking of which, we have started to let Kessia cry it out at night. I know that sounds mean but I have seriously tried everything, other than drugging her which I do not believe in at all... So the last two nights she has cried it out. It breaks my heart, but hopfully it will only take another day or two and she will quit waking up. wish me luck.